Have you ever considered what Mary might have been feeling when she had to tell Joseph she was pregnant and what it meant for her in her social and political context? What about Joseph’s perspective as her husband to be? The layers are many! The Christmas Story is beautiful, amazing, famous and admittedly a little too familiar. Luke 2:1-38 has so much more in it than I remember from Sunday School. So we will look at this text together in community specifically examining about the emotional and social context of all those involved as well as what emotions the text invokes for us in our current social and political moment.
We believe that God speaks through His Word and we can hear from Him. Studying scripture in community and responding individually and corporately is a sign of spiritual growth and maturity. We also believe that our emotional maturity and our spiritual maturity are inextricably linked. So, our growth in emotional awareness and intelligence is essential to our growth as a follower of Jesus.
So, join us on December 13 at 7:30PM EST for an emotionally aware, institutionally engaged time with scripture because God still speaks and we are ready to hear from Him. See you there!